MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent

CISSS de la Côte-Nord : Axelle Telephone Platform

Message from the CISSS de la Côte-Nord

Users of the Lower North Shore who have been waiting for an appointment with a medical specialist for over a year will soon receive a call from Axelle, the automated system of the Centre de répartition des demandes de services (CRDS). 

The purpose of these calls is to update and validate the waiting list for an appointment with a medical specialist in the region or elsewhere. 

The users concerned will receive a call or a text with the following message: “Hi, I am Axelle, the automated system of the Centre de répartition des demandes de services de la Côte-Nord. Please answer the following questions so we can update the waiting list.” 

Once the call has started, people simply have to validate certain information, such as their last name and date of birth, and to answer questions on the evolution of their condition.