MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent

Call for Projects to Promote Québec Culture

The Ministère de la Culture et des Communications announces that Component 3 (Implementation of digital creativity projects in Quebec’s public spaces and cultural venues) of the Call for projects to promote Quebec culture will be open from August 19 to October 3, 2024.

Objectives of Component 3
• Support the development of digital creativity projects by Québec creators and businesses
• Increase the reach and accessibility of Quebec digital creativity projects to a variety of audiences in public spaces and cultural venues throughout Quebec’s administrative regions
• Contribute to the growth and development of Quebec’s digital creativity sector
• Contribute to the appropriation and frequentation of public spaces and cultural venues by the population of Quebec

Component 3 supports :
• An innovative digital creativity project, i.e. a project involving the production of a new digital creation designed specifically for the public space or cultural venue managed by the applicant;
• An existing digital creativity project, i.e. a project to host, in one or more new venues, a Quebec digital creation that has already been presented in a similar form, in Quebec or elsewhere.

Eligible applicants: non-profit organizations, cooperatives, municipalities, First Nations public authorities.
Applicants must also be responsible for managing the occupation of a public space (e.g. neighborhood, park, etc.) or a cultural site (e.g. library, museum, heritage site), and use Quebec digital creators.

👉 Additional information :