MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent

Municipality Week 2024

Each year, Municipality Week is an opportunity to put the spotlight on the municipalities, their role, their work, the people involved and the democratic life associated with them.

Through the services they offer and the initiatives they deploy, municipalities are at the heart of citizens’ daily lives. Whether it’s for community services and projects, park and street maintenance, economic development or water infrastructures, municipal institutions play an important role.u, les institutions municipales jouent un rôle important.

The MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent wishes to highlight the essential work carried out by municipal organizations, their employees and elected officials. Our Lower North Shore municipalities have to manage complex challenges with limited resources, and we’d like to take this opportunity to recognize their ongoing efforts.

Essential Services

A municipality is responsible for managing a number of essential services, such as water supply, waste management and municipal road maintenance. These services are mainly financed by municipal taxation, and are provided in compliance with applicable standards.

Economic Development

Municipalities play a key role in regional economic development. Through their decisions, the awarding of contracts and their leadership, municipalities exert an influence on economic development. On the MRC Council, mayors are also involved in decisions concerning the management of financial assistance funds administered by the MRC.

Political Voice

To ensure the progress of local affairs and the consideration of territorial realities, municipal administrations are in regular communication with other levels of government (elected officials and civil servants). This political representation helps to make our reality and issues known to provincial and federal partners.

Local government

In addition to providing essential services, municipalities have also become true local governments, taking on new responsibilities and responding to citizens’ expectations. They are often called upon to play an important role in community development, maintaining local services and supporting non-profit organizations.

Democratic Life

In addition to providing essential services, municipalities have also become true local governments, taking on new responsibilities and responding to citizens’ expectations. They are often called upon to play an important role in community development, maintaining local services and supporting non-profit organizations.