MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent

Rencontre ministérielle à Saint-Augustin - Lettre à la population

Chevery, March 12th 2024 – The MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent wishes to inform the population of the meeting held last Sunday (March 10th) between MRC elected officials and ministers Pierre Fitzgibbon (Minister of the Economy, Innovation and Energy and Minister responsible for Regional Economic Development) Ian Lafrenière (Minister responsible for Relations with First Nations and Inuit) and Kateri Champagne Jourdain (Minister of Employment and Minister responsible for the North Shore region).

Our objective with this meeting was to take advantage of the physical presence of these ministers on our territory to raise their awareness of the issues faced by our population on a daily basis. We had the opportunity to present our priorities in terms of air and maritime transport, access to healthcare, follow-up of public contracts and proper management of public funds. Above all, we demonstrated to the ministers present the need to take into account the particularities of our region in order to offer citizens services adapted to their needs.

Ministers Fitzgibbon, Lafrenière and Champagne Jourdain encountered problems themselves travelling to the Lower North Shore, allowing them to experience some of the challenges we face on a daily basis.

The meeting was an opportunity to reiterate our requests regarding the hydroelectric dam project on the Petit-Mécatina River, namely that the completion of Route 138 should be a priority.

The provincial ministers were on the road to meet with the Innu communities of Pakua-Shipi and Unamen-Shipu.

The MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent will continue its efforts with the provincial and federal governments and regional partners to make our demands heard. We are aware of the deterioration in the services offered to our population, and we are taking action to improve the situation. 


Source : Council of mayors of the MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent