MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent

Age-Friendly Municipality

The MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent is an age-friendly community that values the contribution of its senior citizens. We work to promote independence and healthy aging by providing support that meets the varied needs of these citizens.

Complete document :  Age-Friendly Policy – MRC Action Plan 2021 – 2023

Policy – Municipalité amie des aînés


In the spring of 2013, the council of the MRCGSL unanimously stressed the importance for the MRC and all municipalities to develop a policy to assist and support our senior citizens. In April 2014, a working group was formed to proceed with the development of the policy.

The Age-Friendly Municipality – Action Plan is updated regularly to ensure that it meets the emerging needs of senior citizens on our territory.

MRC Action Plan 2021 - 2023

Target Area : Administration

Action : Ensure that the MADA working group is involved in monitoring and implementing the policy.

  • The working group will meet at least once a year to evaluate the evolution of the policy.
  • Maintain a resource person in order to allow the implementation and follow-up of the action plan.
  • Share information on the various subsidy programs in order to support the implementation of local action plans.

Responsible & Partners : MRC, CISSSCN, LTS, Coasters Association, MRC’s Development Agent

Deadline : Always on going

Action : Continue to work in collaboration with the MRC Communication Agent to ensure promotion of the Seniors Policy within the Communication plan.

  • Ensure that the policy is promoted on the MRC website in both official languages.
  • Create and dedicate a section of the MRC website to seniors (policy, action plan, resource guide, other pertinent information related to seniors).
  • Prepare publicity to promote the Seniors Policy on the MRC Facebook page.

Responsible & Partners : MRC Development Agent (in collaboration with the MRC Communication Agent)

Deadline : Always on going

Target Area : Housing

Action : Raise awareness to promote intergenerational cohabitation.

  • Promote intergenerational cohabitation.
  • Ensure that municipal regulations (if any) are respected.

Action : Promote the various housing renovation programs available for seniors.

Action : Continue to lobby and work with government and organizations to adapt regulations and criteria for housing programs to reflect the realities and needs of seniors on the territory.

Action : Establish working group to carry out and follow-up to actions regarding housing and access to programs for housing.

  • Partner with the Lower North Shore Housing Corporation to ensure that work is not done in duplication.

Action : Collaborate with municipalities and seniors groups to promote fire safety and prevention.

  • Seniors are continually aware of fire preventions. Projects were established to ensure that all homes on the territory is equipped with fire equipment aimed at prevention.

Responsible & Partners : MRC Development Agent (in collaboration with the Land planner, Municipal Inspectors and Occupational Therapist at the CISSCN)

Elected officials in collaboration with the CISSCN, the Local Table for Seniors and the Lower North Shore Housing Corporation.

Two elected officials sit on the Lower North Shore housing corporation, They can share the information amongst the partners.

Fire Safety Campaigns are prepared by the MRC communication Agent and shared through the various medias.

Deadline : Ongoing

Action : Sensitize municipalities, businesses and organizations to the importance of their buildings/office spaces being accessible to seniors and persons with reduced mobility.

  • Prepare publicity that can be shared on the MRC Facebook page and Website to stress the importance of accessible spaces for seniors and persons with reduced mobility. The publicity with also be shared with Municipalities so that they may share on their respective social medias, websites, radio stations, etc.

Action : Promote the various programs available to provide accessibility to infrastructures

  • Consult with the municipalities to compile a list of the various programs they manage (SHQ, etc.) & work with the Communication Agent at the MRC to produce a pamphlet for the seniors. Promote the pamphlet on medias, radios, etc.
  • Ensure that all seniors on the territory have access to the pamphlet.

Action : Lobby to have the various programs adapted to the realities of the territory. 

Responsible & Partners : MRC Development Agent (in collaboration with the MRC Communications Agent)

MRC Development Agent, in collaboration with Municipal Inspectors/General Directors and the Communication agent.

Elected officials in collaboration with the CISSCN and the Local Table for Senior

Deadline : Ongoing

Target Area : Communication & Information

Action : Continue the awareness campaign to promote the mandate of the MRC and the programs and services offered.

  • Development of a communication plan for the MRC to promote the mandate of the MRC, the employees and the programs and services offered.

Action : Work with partners to support them in the promotion and updating of the resource guide of services and programs for seniors.

Responsible & Partners : MRC Communication Agent

MRC Development Agent in collaboration with the Communication Agent, LTS, Coasters, CISSCN

Deadline : Ongoing

Action : Mandate a resource person to support the Local Table for Seniors and their initiatives. This person will also be the link to provide information to the council of the MRC regarding Seniors issues.

  • Continue having a resource person from the MRC support the Local Table for seniors and maintain the link between the Local Table for seniors and the MRC.

Action : Continue to ensure that communication from the MRC is geared towards seniors and is age-friendly and pertinent.

  • Communication is age-friendly and pertinent (font-size, language, colored, etc.)

Responsible & Partners : MRC Development Agent and MRC Communication Agent

Deadline : Ongoing

Target Area : Transportation

Action : Continue to lobby for the extension of the Route 138.

Action : Encourage transportation service providers (air, boat, etc.) to provide age-friendly access and services.

  • Meet with service providers to sensitize surrounding age-friendly access and services with a special emphasis on Senior’s mobility.

Action : Support municipalities and other groups to provide adapted transportation and alternate options for transportation. *This step can only be taken after step 4 as the programs are not adapted to the realities of the territory of the MRCGSL. 

  • In the meantime it is important to support existing transport services in local communities.

Action : Lobby for changes to funding programs to better meet the needs of the Seniors and the realities of the territory regarding adapted transportation.

Responsible & Partners : Elected Officials of the MRC

Elected Officials of the MRC, CHISSS, Municipalities and the Local Table for Seniors

MRC, Municipalities, and other groups

Elected Officials of the MRC

Deadline : Ongoing

Target Area : Community Support & Health Services

Action : Encourage all organizations providing community or health care services to seniors to be aware of the Age-Friendly policy and its contents.

  • Ensure that the policy for seniors is promoted and shared with all organizations providing community or health care services.

Action : Encourage and support organizations to develop, implement and/or modify services to respond to the needs of the seniors specific to our territory.

  • Continue encouraging organizations to the importance of having services adapted to the needs of the seniors. (Collaborative effort through conversation at various tables, etc.)

Action : Encourage and support organizations to better promote their mandates and the services they offer.

  • Continue to encourage organizations to promote their mandates and the services they offer. (Collaborative effort through conversation at various tables, etc.)

Action : Encourage the CISSSCN to demystify the complaint process and to better promote the process.

  • Continue to encourage the CISSSCN to simplify their complaint process and promote it to the population, especially the seniors.

Responsible & Partners : MRC Development Agent, LTS

MRC, Municipalities, Local table for Seniors, Coasters, etc.

MRC, Municipalities, Local Table for Seniors, Coasters, Lower North Coalition for Health, etc.

MRC, Local table for Seniors, Coasters, Lower North Coalition for Health, C.A.A.P.(Body to assist people with their complaint)

Deadline : Ongoing