MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent

Residual Materials Management Policy

In accordance with the Environment Quality Act (Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement), the MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent must implement a residual materials management plan (PGMR) to plan residual materials management activities and services on its territory for the next seven years. After two years of work and public consultations in French and English, the MRC’s first PGMR came into effect on January 1st, 2024.

Summary of the residual materials management policy

It is estimated that each citizen of the MRC disposes of an average of 838 kg of waste per year, including all three sectors: residential, industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) and construction, renovation and demolition (CRD).

The overall recycling rate for these three sectors is estimated at 11%, with the residential sector at 23%. Materials are recovered mainly through drop-off points for recyclables, home composting and CRD residue recovery.

Action plan

The PGMR action plan aims to achieve the Quebec government’s recycling targets, but in a realistic way that takes into account the MRC’s specific situation:

• Eliminate a maximum of 525 kg per person by 2030;
• Recycle 40% of recyclable materials from separate waste collection by 2030;
• Recycle 40% of organic matter by 2030;
• Recycle 50% of CRD residues by 2030.

The measures proposed in the action plan concern the following aspects:

  • Governance: delegation of authority from municipalities to the MRC in order for the latter to sign agreements with designated management organizations (recyclables, paint, electronics, household appliances, etc.);
  • Knowledge of waste management: waste characterization, electronic register of quantities loaded;
  • Reducing quantities thrown away: support for reuse, community composting, reclamation of sludge from aerated ponds, crushing concrete for reuse, etc.