MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent

Seniors Portal

On the Lower North Shore, we value the contribution of seniors to the social, community and economic life of our communities. By adopting the Age-Friendly Municipality Policy (MADA) approach, the MRC is committed to improve the quality of life for seniors, consolidate what has already been achieved and develop an action plan to meet new needs.

Through consultation with organizations, interest groups and active listening to the needs, our Age-Friendly policy is regularly adapted and updated. The same applies to our action plan, which details the deployment of our Age-Friendly Municipality policy.

Important Numbers

Technical Support

In addition to its financial assistance programs, the MRC du Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent offers technical support to businesses and organizations.

Technical support services help promoters get started or develop their projects.

This offer can take different forms, such as :

– Referral services to external resources.

– Support in drawing up a business plan and financial provisions.

– Financing, feasibility studies, training and much more.

Contact one of our agents today to find out how the MRC can help you.

Accès entreprise Québec

Le réseau Accès entreprise Québec est une initiative du ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation permettant aux MRC de se doter de services de première ligne pour mieux soutenir les entrepreneurs dans leurs besoins au quotidien. 

Que ce soit pour du soutien technique, de l’accompagnement ou du référencement pour des services spécialisés, les agents Accès entreprise Québec pourront vous soutenir dans vos projets. 

Le plan d’action (plan d’intervention et d’affectation des ressources) AEQ est disponible en ligne et détaille les priorités de la MRC dans le cadre du programme.